안녕하세요. 눈사람호텔리뷰입니다.
오늘은 '네팔의 수도 카트만두' 갔을때 하얏트 리젠시 호텔에 묵었던 경험를 기록합니다.
하얏트 리젠시 호텔은 카트만두에서 제일 좋은 호텔이라고 합니다. (5성급)
참고로 카트만두에서 5성급 고급 호텔은 몇 안되는 듯 합니다.
Hello. Snowman Hotel review.
Today, I'll be sharing my experience of staying at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Kathmandu, Nepal.
The Hyatt Regency Hotel is considered the best hotel in Kathmandu. (5-star)
For your information, there aren't many 5-star luxury hotels in Kathmandu.
호텔 입구도착했는데 여기서부터 한참 들어가야 호텔이 나와요.
As soon as I arrived at the hotel entrance, I realized that it was quite a distance to reach the actual hotel building.
도착한 호텔 입구인데 문부터 으리으리한 느낌입니다.
사람들이 한가운데 금색 대문보다는 보통 양옆에 위치한 그늘진 길을 자주 이용합니다.
The hotel entrance felt grand and imposing, with a sense of majesty emanating from the door. Interestingly, instead of using the central golden door, people seemed to prefer the shaded paths located on either side.
호텔 로비가 마치 박물관 처럼 생겼어요.
게다가 천장으로 들어오는 자연채광이 더해져서 더욱 신비스럽고 오묘한 느낌을 자아냅니다.
황금 원숭이가 과일들고 맞아주네요.
The hotel lobby resembled a museum, with the addition of natural light pouring in from the ceiling, creating an even more mystical and intriguing ambiance. A golden monkey statue holding fruits greeted guests, adding to the allure.
로비에서 앉는 의자도 특이하게 생겼어요.
방석 양쪽에 쿠션 놓고 쇼파처럼 꾸며놓았네요.
The chairs in the lobby also had a unique design. They were decorated like sofas, with cushions placed on either side of the seat.
호텔 체크인 할때 전통악기 연주를 볼 수 있었고 호텔 직원이 웰컴 드링크를 주면서 환대해줬어요.
맛을 표현하자면? 물 많이 탄 주스 맛. 밍밍한 주스맛
During hotel check-in, I had the opportunity to enjoy traditional music performances, and the hotel staff warmly welcomed me with a welcome drink. To describe the taste? It was like a juice with a lot of water added, lacking in flavor.
이곳 호텔에서 묵는 동안 여러번 볼 수 있었던 전통음악 연주였어요.
마음의 편안함을 느끼게 해주는 싱잉볼도 쳐 줍니다.
Throughout my stay at this hotel, I had the pleasure of witnessing traditional music performances multiple times. They even played soothing Singing Bowl melodies, which brought a sense of tranquility to the atmosphere.
룸키 받아 방으로 가는데 로비가 3층이네요.
로비를 중심으로 위아래로 방들이 있고 아침 먹는 조식은 1층에 있어요.
Upon receiving my room key and heading to my room, I noticed that the lobby was on the 3rd floor. The rooms were situated both above and below the lobby area, and breakfast was served on the 1st floor.
방으로 들어왔는데 바닥이 카페트가 아니고 나무바닥이라서 시원해보였어요.
그런데 침대 헤드가 특이해요. 교체 가능한 천 쿠션으로 된 침대헤드였음.
Entering the room, I noticed that instead of carpeting, the floor was made of hardwood, giving it a refreshing feel. However, what caught my attention the most was the unique bed headboard. It was made of interchangeable cloth cushions.
호텔 로비부터 박물관처럼 멋지고 동양적이라고 생각했는데 방안에도 동양의 미가 엿보이는 작품을 전시해 놓았어요.
From the hotel lobby, which resembled a museum with its impressive Oriental theme, to the artwork displayed in the rooms, there was a glimpse of Eastern beauty everywhere.
방안에 엄청 큰 생수가 4병이나 있어요. 역대급이네요!!
중요한 팁! 이유를 들어보니 여기 네팔 수돗물이 그리 깨끗하지 않아서 저 생수로 양치하면 된다고 합니다.
그러고보니 샤워할때 물에서 비릿한 냄새가 나요. 그래서 머리감거나 세수 할때 마지막에 생수로 한번씩 헹궈내는 용도로 썼어요.
There were an astonishing 4 large bottles of water in the room! Truly remarkable!
Here's an important tip: I found out that the tap water in Nepal isn't very clean, so you can use these bottles of water for brushing your teeth.
Come to think of it, I noticed a slight musty odor in the water while showering. That's why I used the bottled water for a final rinse when washing my hair or face.
옷장이 사람이 들어가서 숨바꼭질 가능할 정도로 넓고 좋아요
그리고 이 안에 슬리퍼 있어요.
The wardrobe is so spacious that you could almost play hide and seek in it! It's really nice. And inside, there are slippers provided for guests.
미니 냉장고 있었고 티백 4종류가 있었는데 그 중 특이한 것이 '마살라차이티'가 있어요.
마살라차이티는 인도지역 전통적인 차 입니다.
호텔 이용하다 보면 녹차나 홍차 종류는 많이 볼 수 있잖아요.
마살라차이티백은 평소 잘 볼 수 없었기 때문에 한번 시도해 보면 좋을 것 같애요.
There was a mini fridge, and among the 4 types of tea bags, the one that stood out was 'Masala Chai Tea'. Masala Chai Tea is a traditional tea from India.
When staying at hotels, you often see many varieties of green tea or black tea, right?
Since Masala Chai Tea bags aren't something you come across often, it would be nice to give it a try if you get the chance.
화장실 넓고 깔끔해보이는데 샤워하면 샤워실 물이 잘 안빠져서 바닥에 물이 찰랑찰랑 고여있어요.
그리고 물이 기본적으로 비릿한 냄새남.
The bathroom seemed spacious and clean, but when showering, the water in the shower stall didn't drain well, leaving the floor puddled with water.
Additionally, the water had a naturally musty odor.
호텔 어메니티는 파마코피아 제품.
서랍처럼 생긴 수건걸이 잡아당기면 헤어드라이기가 있어요.
The hotel amenities were from the brand Parma CoPia.
There was a hairdryer attached to a towel rack-like drawer, which you could pull out.
지내다보니 마음에 안 들었던 한가지 .. 호텔 가구 디자인이 진짜 이상해요!!
침대 옆 협탁이 끝이 뾰족되어 있고 아무런 기능없는 툭 튀어나와 있는 구조물이 있어요.
어찌 움직이다 이곳에 부딛혀서 다리나 허벅지 멍 들기 딱 좋음..
One thing that I didn't like during my stay was the peculiar design of the hotel furniture!
Beside the bed, there was a nightstand with a pointed end, and there was a protruding structure with no apparent function. It was just sticking out awkwardly.
It's just perfect for accidentally bumping into it and bruising your leg or thigh...
그리고 창밖은 연못 뷰였는데 개구리가 사는지 밤에 잘 때 계속 개굴개굴 소리나요
And outside the window, there was a view of a pond, but I kept hearing the sound of frogs croaking at night, so I assume there were frogs living there.
야외에 대형 수영장 있고 옆에는 수심 낮은 유아용 수영장이 있어요.
There is a large outdoor swimming pool, accompanied by a shallow kiddie pool nearby.
호텔 자체가 엄청 넓어서 호텔 안 산책만 해도 충분할 정도에요.
심지어 조깅트랙도 있어요.
The hotel itself is incredibly spacious, so just taking a walk inside the hotel premises is sufficient.
Moreover, there is even a jogging track available.
걷다보니 방에서 본 그 연못이었어요.
그런데 진짜로 개구리가 있더라고요. 도망가는 개구리 뒷다리를 사진으로 찍을 수 있었습니다.
한두마리가 아니었어요 으... 크기도 크고 살짝 징그러운 느낌이었어요.
As I was walking, I realized it was the same pond I had seen from my room. But there were actually real frogs in it. I managed to snap a photo of a frog's hind legs as it was hopping away. It wasn't just one or two frogs... They were quite large, and it was a bit creepy.
조깅트랙 따라서 걷다보니 놀이터 시설도 나오고 굽이굽이 계단 올라오면 처음 시작한 장소로 돌아옵니다.
Following the jogging track, I came across playground facilities and winding stairs. Eventually, I found myself back at the starting point, completing a loop.
헬스장 왔는데 시설 괜찮아요 그리고 언제든지 먹을 수 있는 바나나랑 물이 있어요.
전세계 여러호텔 헬스장 다녀봤는데 여기 호텔 헬스장 서비스가 제일 괜찮네요. 웰컴과일이라니... 굿!
The gym facilities are great, and there are bananas and water available anytime. I've visited gyms in hotels all around the world, but the service at this hotel gym is the best. Offering welcome fruits... That's great!
지하로 내려오면 클럽 오아시스 스파가 나옵니다.
투숙객들은 누구나 이용가능한 무료에요.
사물함에 옷이랑 가방 넣고, 따뜻한 물에서 반신욕 할 수 있습니다.
When you go downstairs, you'll find the Club Oasis Spa. It's available for all guests free of charge. You can put your clothes and bags in the lockers and enjoy a warm soak in the hot tub.
밤 되면 카트만두 하얏트 리젠시 호텔 안 곳곳에 촛불 켜 놓고 분위기가 더 아늑해져요.
At night, the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Kathmandu lights up candles throughout the premises, creating a cozy atmosphere.
누군가에게 도움이 될 정보가 되길 바라며
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